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districts of supply

  • 1 districts of supply

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > districts of supply

  • 2 supply

    I [sə'plaɪ] n
    1) (обыкновенно pl) запас, запасы, продукты, ресурсы, продовольствие, провиант

    I'm going to town for flour and other supplies. — Я еду в город за мукой и другими продуктами.

    There is a large supply of oil in the North Sea. — В Северном море большие запасы нефти.

    Our supplies are running short. — Наши запасы на исходе.

    - food supplies
    - emergency supplies
    - office supplies
    - relief supplies
    - maintenance supplies
    - ammunition supplies
    - supplies of money
    - supplies of food
    - unfailing supply of firewood
    - reserve supply of water
    - world's supplies of coal
    - source of material supplies
    - through the scarcity of supplies
    - be provided with supplies enough to last another month
    - cut off the enemy's supplies
    - furnish the supplies
    - get one's supplies from abroad
    - have one's own supplies of wine
    - store supplies for the winter
    - water supplies are running out
    2) снабжение, доставка

    Oil is in desperately short supply. — Нефти катастрофически не хватает.

    The gas supply is of the highest importance to the city. — Газоснабжение крайне важно для города.

    The demand for these goods exceeds the supply. — Спрос на эти товары превышает предложение.

    - supply service
    - supply parts
    - supply unit
    - supply ship
    - supply train
    - supply branch
    - supply point
    - supply duties
    - supply pressure
    - supply officer
    - supply of provisions
    - demand and supply
    - districts of supply
    - commitee of supply
    - be connected to hot water supply
    - control supply
    - cut off the power supply
    - derive one's supply of water from the river
    - stop the air supply
    - stop gas supply
    - stop food supply
    3) количество, партия

    Drinking water is in short supply. — Питьевой воды сильно не хватает.

    My supply of ink gave out. — У меня кончились чернила

    - considerable supply
    - reserve supply
    - limited supply
    - large supply of vegetables
    - fresh supply of cigarettes
    - another supply of wine
    - have a constant supply of new materials
    - have a cheap supply of labour
    - hold an adequate supply of police
    II [sə'plaɪ] v
    снабжать, поставлять, доставлять

    Each soldier is supplied with two pairs of boots. — Каждому солдату выдали по две пары ботинок.

    We can supply the goods from our main store. — Мы можем поставлять товары из центрального магазина

    - supply smb, smth with smth
    - supply smb with water
    - supply medical equipment
    - supply resources to industry

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > supply

  • 3 city


    I am allergic to big cities. — В больших городах я чувствую себя неуютно.

    Outlying districts were annexed by the city. — Пригороды вошли в черту города.

    The road runs between the two cities. — Эти два города соединены дорогой.

    New suburbs sprang up all around the city. — Вокруг города возникли новые районы.

    The city was destroyed by fire. — Город был уничтожен пожаром.

    Cities are taken by ears. — Молва города берет.

    - rapidly growing city
    - developing city
    - free city
    - great city
    - overpopulated city
    - densely populated city
    - European city
    - oriental city
    - major cities
    - industrial city
    - capital city
    - cathedral city
    - fortress city
    - sister cities
    - townsman
    - city life
    - city folk
    - city water supply
    - city gas supply
    - city utility service
    - city government
    - city builder
    - city traffic
    - city fathers
    - city authorities
    - city with a population of... people
    - city of military glory
    - attractions of a big city
    - outskirts of the city
    - offices buildings of the city
    - bird's eye view of the city
    - views of the city
    - guests of the city
    - places of interest
    - green belt around the city
    - favourite spots of city folk
    - major of the city
    - post-card with views of the city
    - monuments of the city
    - guide book to the city
    - limits of the city
    - slums of the city
    - city planning
    - outlay of the city
    - centre of the city
    - clatter of the busy city
    - general sightseeing tour around the city
    - in the city of Moscow
    - within the city
    - from one end of the city to the other
    - from all parts of the city co
    - all over the city
    - east ward of the city
    - wander around a city
    - restore a city
    - be city bred
    - give running commentary during a city sightseeing trip
    - live in a city
    - do a city
    - found a city
    - lay out parks in the city
    - plan out a city
    - expand the boundaries of the city
    - capture a city
    - abandon the city to the enemy
    - attack a city
    - rebuild a city
    - pay a visit to a city
    - city lies is located on the river
    (1.) Притом, что английское существительное в принципе утратило категорию рода, и неодушевленное существительное имеет обычно заместителем местоимение it, иногда проявляются рудименты утраченной родовой системы. Так, city имеет женский род: Нью-Йорк - красивый город, New-York - she is a beautiful city; города-побратимы - sister cities. (2.) Для образования названий жителей городов существует несколько словообразовательных моделей разной степени продуктивности. Наиболее продуктивен суффикс -er, прибавляющийся к названию города: London - Londoner, New-York - New-Yorker. Менее продуктивны суффиксы -ian: Paris - Parisian; -an: Rome - Roman; -ite: Moscow - Moscowite. От некоторых названий городов нельзя образовать названий жителей по модели: Liverpool - Liverpoollian, a Scouser (inform.); Manchester - Manchurian; Glasgow - Glaswegians. Всегда можно употребить словосочетание: a citizen of London, residents of Lisbon, city-dwellers и предложение She/he comes from Aberbin - она/он из Абердина. (3.) Citizen - имеет два значения: (1) горожанин и (2) гражданин. Во втором значении имеет синонимы subject и national. Citizen - полноправный житель страны - an American citizen; She is German by birth but is now a French citizen. Она родилась в Америке, но сейчас постоянно живет во Франции. Citizenship - гражданство, включает права и обязанности гражданина: He applied for American citizenship. Он подал заявление/прошение об американском гражданстве. She was granted British citizenship. Она получила британское гражданство. Subject - подданный - употребляется лишь в монархических государствах: a British subject. National - житель страны, но гражданин другого государства: Many Turkish nationals work in Germany. В Германии работает много граждан Турции. (4.) Сочетание a capital city и the capital of the country имеют разные значения. A capital city - большой город регионального значения: New-York (Rostov-on-Don, Barcelona) is a capital city. Столица государства - the capital: London is the capital of the UK. CULTURE NOTE: (1.) Некоторые города имеют традиционные названия: Eternal City - Вечный город - Рим; City in Seven Hills - Город на семи холмах - Рим; City of Dreaming Spires - Город дремлющих шпилей - Оксфорд; City of David - Град Давидов - Иерусалим и Вифлеем; City of Brotherly Love - (Am.) Город братской любви - Филадельфия; Empire City - Имперский город - Нью-Йорк; Big Apple City - Город большого яблока - Нью-Йорк; Fun City - город развлечений - Нью-Йорк; Federal City - Вашингтон; The Granite City - город Абердин (Шотландия); Holy City - Священный город - Иерусалим; Forbidden City - "Запретный город" - дворец китайского императора; Cities of the Plain - библ. Содом и Гоморра; Soul City - Гарлем; Windy City - Чикаго; Quaker City - город квакеров - Филадельфия; The City of God - Град Господень - небо, церковь; The Heavenly City - Новый Иерусалим; Celestial City - царствие небесное библ. Небесный град - Новый Иерусалим; Sea-born town - город, рожденный морем - Венеция. (2.) Разные территориальные части Лондона имеют разные названия. Они употребляются с определенным артиклем и пишутся с заглавной буквы: the West End - аристократический район города; the East End - рабочий район; the City - деловая часть Лондона; Soho - район иммигрантов в центре Лондона, известен своими ресторанами национальной кухни; The Docks - бывший район доков и верфей, теперь перестроен и имеет современный вид, место, где обычно селится Лондонская богема

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > city

  • 4 serve

    sə:v 1. verb
    1) (to work for a person etc eg as a servant: He served his master for forty years.) tjene
    2) (to distribute food etc or supply goods: She served the soup to the guests; Which shop assistant served you (with these goods)?) servere; ekspedere; betjene
    3) (to be suitable for a purpose: This upturned bucket will serve as a seat.) tjene, gjøre tjeneste som
    4) (to perform duties, eg as a member of the armed forces: He served (his country) as a soldier for twenty years; I served on the committee for five years.) avtjene; sitte i, være medlem av
    5) (to undergo (a prison sentence): He served (a sentence of) six years for armed robbery.) sone, sitte inne
    6) (in tennis and similar games, to start the play by throwing up the ball etc and hitting it: He served the ball into the net; Is it your turn to serve?) serve
    2. noun
    (act of serving (a ball).) serve, utspill, første slag
    - serving
    - it serves you right
    - serve an apprenticeship
    - serve out
    - serve up
    subst. \/sɜːv\/
    ( sport) serve, utspill (første slag eller kast)
    whose serve is it?
    verb \/sɜːv\/
    1) tjene, arbeide hos, arbeide for, være tjener hos, tjenestegjøre, virke
    2) stå til tjeneste, hjelpe
    can I serve you in any way?
    3) servere, sette frem, ta inn, sette på bordet
    middagen er servert; det er servert
    do you mind if I serve myself first?
    4) ekspedere, være ekspeditør (i butikk)
    are you being served, Sir?
    får du? \/ blir du ekspedert?
    5) betjene, stå til disposisjon for
    6) forsyne, utstyre, supplere, dele ut
    7) duge, gjøre nytten, holde, strekke til, være god nok, være til hjelp, være til nytte, fungere, være egnet som, tjene til
    den er ikke så god, men den holder for meg
    8) ( jus) forkynne, meddele
    9) (jus, om straff) sone, avtjene
    10) behandle
    11) ( sport) serve
    could you serve the ball, please?
    kan du være så snill å serve\/spille ut ballen?
    12) ( kirke) ministrere, være ministrant, være messeassistent\/messehjelper
    13) ( militærvesen) gjøre krigstjeneste, tjenestegjøre under krigen
    han gjorde krigstjeneste i hæren, han tjenestegjorde i hæren under krigen
    14) ( militærvesen) avtjene verneplikt, gjøre militærtjeneste, være på moen (hverdagslig)
    15) ( landbruk) bedekke (om okse og galte)
    16) være\/bli gunstig\/fordelaktig
    vinden ble\/var gunstig
    as occasion serves når anledningen byr seg, når det er anledning til det
    first come, first served den som kommer først til mølla, får først malt
    it serves you right! det har du godt av!, det er til pass for deg!
    it will serve det duger, det får holde
    serve a gun ( militærvesen) betjene en kanon
    serve a rope ( sjøfart) kle tauverk, omvikle, omflette
    serve on være medlem av, sitte i
    serve one's sentence sone sin straff, sitte inne, sitte i fengsel
    serve one's time tjene sin tid ut, fullføre sitt ansettelsesforhold sone sin straff, sitte inne, sitte i fengsel
    serve out dele ut, porsjonere ut, utlevere
    serve out one's time sone sin straff, sitte inne
    serve round servere, by frem, sette på bordet, sette frem
    serve somebody out straffe noen, gi noe inn, behandle noen som de fortjener, gi igjen med samme mynt
    serve somebody's needs dekke noens behov
    serve somebody's purpose\/turn tjene (til) noens formål\/hensikt
    serve somebody with a writ\/summons eller serve a writ\/summons on somebody ( jus) forkynne\/kunngjøre en stevning for noen
    serve time sone straff, sitte inne, sitte i fengsel
    serve up servere, by frem, sette på bordet, sette frem ( overført) servere, diske opp med, komme med
    anrette maten
    serve up from the ranks arbeide seg opp i gradene, jobbe seg opp
    serve with forsyne med

    English-Norwegian dictionary > serve

  • 5 Cotton (Sea Islands)

    Sea Islands is of the famous Gossypium Barbadense variety and is the finest cotton grown, having a staple of 11/2-in. to 21/4-in. in length, fine in diameter, and regular in natural twist and length. It is clean, strong and elastic, and has a silkiness possessed by no other cotton. It was formerly grown in the islands off the coast of South Carolina, in Georgia and Florida, and the crop varied from 60,000 to 100,000 bales. Since the beginning of the present century it has declined in those districts and finally ceased in 1925. Today the British West Indies are almost the sole source of supply - A small quantity being grown in Fiji from seed procured from the West Indies. The crop now averages 4,000 to 5,000 bales per annum and is slowly increasing. The islands producing the cotton now are St. Vincent, Montserrat, St. Kitts, Nevis, Barbados, Anguilla, Antigua and the Virgin Islands.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Cotton (Sea Islands)

См. также в других словарях:

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